BMW 135i 1/4mile – 11.76sec@120.7mph, 1.947 60′ – stock turbo, E40 blend, full weight, street tires, no meth, stock catted midpipes
Sharing some truly awesome results from one of our recent customers. Here’s their review from MIR (Maryland International Raceway) this past weekend.
What’s even more impressive is that 11.7 was done with a 1.94 60′. With DRs, same tune and conditions, this same car can easily see low 11s!!
Very nice working with you Jorge! :)
Incredible times with my 135 thanks to PTF
2009 135
CPE Intercooler
CPE Chargepipe/Tial BOV
CPE Downpipes
Injen DCI
Stock catted mids
Active Autowerke axleback
COBB protuned by PTF
Fuel: E85/93 mix of 40/60
OEM wheels with street tires (Proxes R1Rs)
Weighed car during event at 3340lbs
Temperature for the day 44-51 degrees
Humidity was 55% to 63% during my runs
Total of 5 runs in the 11s
We left immediately after the 11.76 run as I had other commitments. Kind of regret leaving as every pass was faster. The 11.76sec @ 120.7mph pass was the third consecutive pass (no waiting due to very few cars), so car was running great, definitely no kind of heatsoak whatsoever or any other issues for that matter.
Previously ran Dinan Stage 2, 12.98 at 107 mph. Bought the COBB and immediately began using the Stage 2+ aggressive OTS maps with incredible change in power from the Dinan Tune.
Talked to PTF and they immediately were able to set time aside and work with me personally which was a big plus. The results speak for themselves but in addition to that, PTF answered all my questions and exercised much patience with me as I felt that my car “was running slower” after his tune and kept “nagging him” about it.
I think this had to do more with the smoothness of the power which is a testament to his expertise and the driveability of the COBB tune. Not to mention I drove this E85 mix for about 3 weeks, so I probably got used to it as time went by. He advised me to stay with the E85 40/60 mix (originally I was thinking a minimum of 50/50) keeping safety and reliability a priority while still trying to get me MY POWER WHICH I JUST HAD TO HAVE! lol…
It’s great having a local guy that can get in the car with you while you do the pulls, teach you the correct way to datalog, explain the process, etc. etc. However, for folks thinking about etuning, my first time out with PTF was 32 degrees so the car kept breaking traction so we decided to finish my E85 map by corresponding through emails. It worked flawlessly. So don’t hesitate to etune with PTF, they KNOW what they’re doing.
Don’t criticize my video which I gave my son full permission to edit and make it a little fun. He did his best. Had trouble inserting the video, but below is the youtube link. Thanks.